Saturday, July 18, 2009

27 blog posts and 10 weeks later

I've been back in Canada for a couple days now and I'm still fighting off the jet lag. It's noon here in Oshawa but in Arua it's 7pm and that means supper time.

I was supposed to come home on July 20 but I got to the Heathrow Airport in London and I had no desire to stay. I tried to tell myself that it would be a cool adventure to wander around London by myself for a few days (despite the minimal funds in my bank account) so I found a pamphlet with all the public transit times and maps. My hostel wasn't even on the map. Serves me right for choosing one that's out of town.

Back upstairs I went. I went out into the fresh air to search for a taxi only to discover that it would cost nearly $200 to bring me to my hostel. Not a chance!

Another thought crossed my mind: "What if I just went home?" So, I visited the Air Canada desk to try my luck. The lady there said that she had space on a flight at 12:35 pm but it would come at a cost. Looking at me with worry, I wondered the damage.

To my surprise it was only going to cost $150 to fly home in just five hours from then! Of course, I took it.

I checked in, went to Starbucks and spent the last of my British pounds on the tastiest Vanilla Latte I've had in my life, and read a little more of the Kite Runner while I waited.

Getting on that plane was one of the most anticipated moments of the past couple months. I was going home :)

I curled up in a ball under my blanket and because the movie screens were broken I was left to my thoughts of the past ten weeks in Uganda and wondered what life was going to be like back in Canada.

Luckily the 4am phone call I made to my little brother Andrew paid off and my dad was waiting there for me when I got off the flight. It felt good to breathe Toronto air (a sentence I never thought I'd say). It felt great to have a BBQ with my family for supper and it felt amazing to have a nice, hot shower.

I'll still be writing a couple more blogs. Although it might not seem as interesting because I'm not in Uganda anymore, there are a few more topics I'd like to touch on so try to check back over the next month and I'll let you all know when my photo gallery comes out on the Cord Weekly website as well as when my articles are published.

Thank you to everyone who supported my trip (financially and morally) and thanks for reading this blog faithfully. Writing gave me something to do during the ridiculous amount of downtime I had in Uganda.

1 comment:

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