Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Murchison Falls

A few weekends ago, we went to Murchison Falls for a safari. I brought my camera with me but being the amateur that I am, I left my memory card at home so the following photos are ones that I've stolen from Krysten.

This is me and Krysten in the back of the matatu that we travelled around in. It's a small, white van that people use as taxis here. On the second day I rode on top of the matatu - slightly dangerous and very painful but a lot of fun.

I forget what these are called but they have cool antlers. Help me out if you know.

Obviously this is a giraffe. I thought that the novelty would wear off by seeing so many of them but we were just as excited with the first one was saw as we were with the last one we saw. I'm sure that our driver wasn't too impressed with us wanting to stop at every giraffe sighting.

This is the Ugandan national bird:

We're watching a hippo :)

Speaking of which, when we were finished our tour for the day, our driver took us to a spot where many people stay just outside of the park. Every day there's a mother hippo that comes up to the grounds and eats the grass.

We got pretty close despite the fact that hippos kill people.

We stopped for lunch before our boat tour down the Nile and we found these lovely warthogs hanging out beside the tables. Everyone was shooing them away but our group liked them. And yes, we did sing Hakuna Matata everytime we saw a warthog.

As we went down the Nile, there were hippos and crocodiles everywhere. These guys look like they're fighting but apparently crocks keep their mouths open as a cooling mechanism. I like to think these ones are kissing ;)

Our final destination:

Okay, so it's not quite Niagara Falls but the journey there was incredible.

Last but not least, my favourites, the elephants!

And another one, for good measure:

That's pretty much it. There were a bunch of really terrible parts to that weekend but it's not even worth mentioning because overall, it was an awesome time. It was definitely a weekend to remember.


  1. I'm pretty sure the animals you were unsure about are antelopes :)

  2. Yeah, they're definitely antelopes of some kind, but I couldn't tell you specifically which. They're not impala, are they?

    That looks like a wicked safari. You were way more successful than my brother and I in Rwanda - we didn't get crocs or elephants! And that's an awesome national bird. Any idea what it's called? We saw a few of those in Gisenyi, Rwanda.

  3. Incredible. Almost as good as the TO zoo.
